Recapping Kanban Week 2022
The weather was awesome and so were the conversations and laughter at the 2022 Kanban Global Summit and Kanban Leadership Retreat in San Diego!
We learned that Kanban is alive and well throughout the world at scale. So many participants were discussing how their leadership is getting involved by leading initiatives using Kanban practices.
KGS attendees learned the lost arts of leadership from Chet Richards and found laughter in Michael Godeck’s delightful and creative presentation that was powerful enough to make Dragos yell “You’re hired!”
We saw so many great talks that focused on how Kanban is used within large organizations, including Adobe, IBM, the US Department of Homeland Security, and major financial institutions within Brazil.
“Unlike other conferences, Kanban Global Summit provides real-life practical insights and new innovations that are pushing the state of the art in business management.”
Craeg Strong

At KLR, we finally got to Connect, Explore, and Challenge key topics like Leadership Development with Kanban, STATIK for Upstream, Kanban Consulting Engagements Lessons Learned, and the Dream Dashboard of the Kanban C-Level. Everyone had a chance to propose, participate, and discuss these concepts and more. We all went home feeling proud to be a part of this community of Kanban practitioners and are looking forward to next year’s KLR.
Both events were also filled with great meal-time conversations among colleagues and, for the first time in two years, we were able to sit among our peers (both new and experienced) to explore and challenge concepts in Kanban.
Stay tuned for Kanban Global Summit videos and presentations coming out at the end of October!

“Leaders in the Kanban Community welcome, encourage, and share their knowledge and experiences while inviting participation, collaboration, and engagement. KLR is a one of kind learning experience.”
Aparna Renganathan

Cheers from the Kanban University Team!