Learn How to Coach for Organizational Change Using the Kanban Method’s Evolutionary Change Approach
You’ve learned what the Kanban Maturity Model is and how to build an Evolutionary Change Canvas. Your next step to becoming a coach is to learn how to utilize advanced concepts of change management and sociological concepts to address the underlying resistance common in many organizational cultures.
Learn how to refine and iterate your Evolutionary Change Canvas to include aspects of your organizational culture including resistance by individuals and groups. Understand and practice how to overcome change plateaus while avoiding the all-too-common aspects of overreaching when considering organizational change. Practice the six escalating steps to increase the motivation for change.

Is Kanban Coaching the Right Course for Me?
If you have not yet completed Kanban System Design (KSD), Kanban Systems Improvement (KSI), and Kanban Maturity Model (KMM) training, we strongly recommend you to take these courses before taking Kanban Coaching. Some people assume this is a single course without any prior knowledge required. This course assumes you have already completed an initial Evolutionary Change Canvas that was built during your Kanban Maturity Model course.
If you have taken the KMM and want to know how to assess and plan for the impacts of your evolutionary change as you help your organization to mature, Kanban Coaching is the right course for you.
In person two day course or 16 hour virtual course.
The KMP Credential as well as prior attendance in the Kanban Maturity Model class is strongly recommended.
Certified Training
All participants will receive a certificate of completion.
Students completing the coursework requirement of the Kanban Coaching Professional (KCP) credential (KSD, KSI, KMM, and KC courses) are eligible to take the KCP Exam to attain their KCP Credential.

The Evolutionary Change Model is intended to map to any level of the KMM form ML1 to ML5 and illustrates how to use the specific practices in the KMM to manage evolutionary, incremental change.
What You Will Leave With
- A refined Evolutionary Change Canvas or set of canvases that support your ongoing evolutionary change work within your organization.
- The ability to identify and prepare evolutionary change experiments to address the sociological factors that will likely affect your organization’s maturity over time.
- How to reflect both normative and structural change in your organization.
- The ability to identify the right leverage points to maximize the chance of successful evolutionary change.
- The skills to approach leaders with relevant and pragmatic guidance.
The KCP is an internationally recognized, advanced-level credential. Kanban Coaching Professionals are proven to hold a specific set of effective coaching tools to lead and evolve organizations to higher levels of maturity.

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